Foot and Toe Pain
Foot and toe pain are very common problems, particularly among older women, and are associated with foot deformity and leg, knee, hip and low back pain. Bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascia, toenail beds, nerves, blood vessels, or skin can be a source of foot pain, which can be identified with a careful clinical examination.
Such problems increase the risk of falls and hamper activities of daily living. Recurrent nail problems, corns and callouses, swollen feet and foot deformities may be caused by excessive loading on the feet.
Left untreated, foot and toe pain may lead to:
- chronic pain in other parts of the same or opposite foot
- chronic pain elsewhere in the body, such as the knee, hip and lower back, due to altered gait (e.g. limping) from foot pain.
Osteopathic treatment may relieve acute and chronic foot and toe pain, stiffness and other symptoms and restore function by improving range of motion, reducing fibrosis and adhesions, remodeling tissue architecture, stimulating tissue regeneration, improving blood supply and nerve activity.
Long term resolution can be achieved by identifying and managing underlying causative and maintaining factors.
Foot and toe conditions that may respond well to osteopathic treatment include:
- plantar fasciitis - pain at the under-surface of your heel
- heel spur - pain at the under-surface of your heel
- metatarsalgia - pain at the ball of your foot
- Moron's neuroma - pain, odd sensations, or numbness over the ball of the foot
- pes planus - dropped foot arch
- foot pronation - rolling out of the foot
- hammer toe, claw toe and mallet toe - deformities of the toe
- foot and ankle swelling.